December is here and I am yet to open my advent calendar. When I finish writing this week’s blog, I will have two doors to open, on what I hope will be the best advent calendar I’ve ever had ‘Toberlone’. I know what your thinking, why would a man in his late 30’s have an advent calendar? My Mum still buys me one, every year. Up until now it’s been a malteasers one, I don’t know her reasoning but it’s all change this year, how exciting! Lols
Talking of excitement, Snow Patrols reworked tour has been rescheduled to the 9thand 10thDecember in Belfast. Having cancelled shows due to illness I was delighted to learn that the band could reschedule the Belfast gigs this side of Christmas. Over the years they have put on smaller shows over the Christmas period even during some of the barren years when they weren’t recording new music. The shows were always brilliant and full of festive feeling.
The Elf on the shelf has arrived in my house. Not one, but two. Their names are Elfie and Holly and my girls are super excited. They have even built a house in Ivana’s room for the elves to sleep in. This means the poor elves struggle to get out at night to get up to mischief.
I have been doing some research this week. Having discussed on the radio show the amount of blokes I see running around in shorts in the coldness of winter I was intrigued. What are the benefits? So I spent a couple of days on the school run, going for the shopping etc etc all whilst wearing shorts. My synopsis, a total waste of time. There are absolutely no benefits. I am still confused as to why you would wear a hoodie and a body warmer and a beanie hat and then shorts. It makes no sense.
Two final thoughts this week:
Firstly, do you have a real Christmas tree? Apparently pouring some lemonade into the container, which holds the tree, makes it last longer and not lose its pine needles.
Secondly, having availed of a bargain or two on black Friday, we now have Cyber Monday. I feel sorry for Cyber Monday; it in no way has the same profile or talkability. Poor Cyber Monday lols.
Have a great week,
Thanks for reading,