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I was out for lunch with a friend a few weeks back. It was a good catch up as we chatted family, holidays and work. Generally these are the topics during most of my conversations nowadays as with having children this is the crux of life.  Keeping the balls in the air, bringing the bread in and trying to get a holiday along the way to A) spend valuable time with Julia (my wife), my kids (Ivana & Elayna) and B) to give yourself some reward for working your socks off in order to pay for it. Although not everyone is in same predicament many of my friends and colleagues are currently at this stage on the wheel of life. It was during this chat and whilst reminiscing about the years that have gone before I stated that I wish I had kept a journal. Something to look back upon and remind myself of the special moments, the hard times and how I got through them or those moments in my career that have come and gone and the memories have somewhat faded. ‘At the end of the day, you should have a blog’ was the response from Smickers or Stephen as he was christened.  I immediately thought he was so right. Back when I first got a website I had a blog that didn’t surmount to much, for lack of time, patience and wondering what the heck I should write about. The technology was different then too. You had to sit at your desktop or take the laptop out and hope you had charge otherwise you had to get the cable out and find a plug. Ohhhhh, the hassle. Really it wasn’t hassle but any excuse not to note down a few words. I sit presently typing this on my mobile phone and it has charge. Result!  So here are my words, my journal, blog, musings whatever you want to call it. If you take a few minutes out to read, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

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